JoeyGalaxy - Joey Yung 容祖兒 English Fan Site + Discussion Forum
[req] Joey's cover version of It's Raining - Printable Version

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[req] Joey's cover version of It's Raining - veggiebun - 12-30-2008

I was reading some anti-joey discussion thread and they said that Joey sang really badly. I am curious to know what is the title of this song and if possible, can someone post the audio clip too?

[req] Joey's cover version of It's Raining - JOEY FAN - 12-30-2008
Here's the clip

asif Joey sang bad == stupid people
but I don't really like this cover lols and the chereography is crap , but that's not Joey's fault

[req] Joey's cover version of It's Raining - candycow - 12-30-2008

lol.. voice and sound wise.. nothing is wrong.. but then.. joey was copying quite a few of his moves.. haha..

and lol.. towards the end.. the sudden entrance of the 2 girls.. look as though they wanted to steal the limelight from joey.. lol!

[req] Joey's cover version of It's Raining - njiteb - 12-30-2008

^she was supposed to... lols...

[req] Joey's cover version of It's Raining - veggiebun - 12-31-2008

Thank Candycow for replying so quickly.. actually I edited my post saying I already found from youtube too! haha... In fact I disliked Rain very much and don't think his singing skills is any good at all and Joey having to pretend like him.. I think more of like EYT skits! hahaa..

[req] Joey's cover version of It's Raining - QOObrethren - 12-31-2008

joey's singing was good...but her moves were just ok