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Forums in 'JG Playground'
  Forum Threads Posts Last Post
Don't be anti-social, we all love each other *rolleyes*
1,321 38,796 JG's Summer plans
07-09-2014, 05:28 AM
by spoiledbrat
Sharing Multimedia
Got something to share besides Joey stuff? This is the place for you.
587 6,711 Fan cover of Joey's songs...
05-22-2014, 06:29 PM
by StarLightRaii
Entertainment Chat
Don't want to talk about Joey?... Aww... Don't worry we won't kill you, feel free.
671 16,802 Mimi Chu Mocks Joey's 'Sh...
03-04-2013, 04:11 AM
by sandy714
JGers' Talents
Show off your talents here. Graphics design, singing, drawing, even solving a maths equation?
139 4,342 Parker on Youtube.
05-03-2013, 07:14 AM
by abunai
Rant about your life, rant about anything! Perfect for an all-time unsatisfied person.
76 1,170 Renewable Energy
10-12-2012, 02:09 AM
by spoiledbrat