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Full Version: The Bourne Ultimatum 2007
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[Image: tn_bourne_ultimatumc.jpg]

Title Name : The Bourne Ultimatum
Language : English
Released : 27 September 2007 (Malaysia)
Genre : Action

Synopsis : Bourne dodges new, superior assassins as he searches for his unknown past while a government agent tries to track him down.

My Review : Another great Bourne chapter and should be the final. This time he gets to the place he started and finds out why he keeps killing people and for who and for what. Good action from start to end. As usual always one step above others and great display of martial arts. The biggest crook now is ... nah, you see it. I'm not gonna spoil it for you.

My Rating : 8.5 out of 10. A Must see.


[Image: tn_bourne_ultimatum.jpg]

Download Links :

File Type : AVI
Total Size : 820 MB (Windows)
Graphics : High
Sound : High The Bourne Ultimatum 2007.avi.001 (99 MB) The Bourne Ultimatum 2007.avi.002 (99 MB) The Bourne Ultimatum 2007.avi.003 (99 MB) The Bourne Ultimatum 2007.avi.004 (99 MB) The Bourne Ultimatum 2007.avi.005 (99 MB) The Bourne Ultimatum 2007.avi.006 (99 MB) The Bourne Ultimatum 2007.avi.007 (99 MB) The Bourne Ultimatum 2007.avi.008 (99 MB) The Bourne Ultimatum 2007.avi.009 (10 MB)

Download all Files and use HJSplit to Join them. HJSplit (303 KB)
wow thx for your contribution....but just dont over do it....we are a fansite after all....once a while is fine lol.
where did you get the dl? but thx for the links..
Thanks for your contributions Dritzer Big Grin

I haven't seen this movie yet but I have it on DVD (fake) but seeing as though you rate it so highly I will watch it soon.

And yeah posting some movies doesn't hurt if they're good^^. It's even better if they spark more discussion Smile So if you've seen it - don't forget to drop a comment/rating!
Thanks for the links! Does anyone know when it's going to be released here in Toronto?
WaterWonders Wrote:Does anyone know when it's going to be released here in Toronto?

Mich, isn't the Canadian release date for the film, August 3rd? It was released in the UK on the 15th and we're usually later other countries.

The action in the film is quite good, but the camera view sometimes shakes a bit too much. The plot is quite well written as well, so I enjoyed the film and I recommend you guys to watch it.

I won't be downloading the movie but thanks anyway for the links, Dritzer, and welcome to the forums! Smile
Thx for the links. That's going to take a while to download.. its broken up in so many small files lol

And I just find this weird, but I haven't seen you posted in any of the Joey threads yet =o. Don't get me wrong, no pressure there haha
rsung Wrote:
WaterWonders Wrote:Does anyone know when it's going to be released here in Toronto?

Mich, isn't the Canadian release date for the film, August 3rd? It was released in the UK on the 15th and we're usually later other countries.

The action in the film is quite good, but the camera view sometimes shakes a bit too much. The plot is quite well written as well, so I enjoyed the film and I recommend you guys to watch it.

I won't be downloading the movie but thanks anyway for the links, Dritzer, and welcome to the forums! Smile

The shaky camera work is also visible in the second one, the bourne sepremacy. I didnt enjoy the second one as much as the first one but i heard the third one is supposed to be the best one yet!

I aint gonna download either as i wanna watch it in the cinema. But Thanks for sharing dritzer! I'll let you know my review after i have watched it. It doesnt come out in holland until 13-09-07....
I watched this movie, it's good stuff! Action packed from beginning to end and it's good action, not like Bruce Willis rambo-type action like Die Hard 4 which was crap. Fairly enjoyable even though I haven't seen the first 2 Bournes LOL.
Ray, you should try to watch the first 2 parts as well because they're really good. Like Bourne Ultimatum, they also have a good mix of action and good plot. Some people said that Bourne Ultimatum was the last episode, but I really hope there's more, although all the loose ends seem to have been tied-up in this final part.
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