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Full Version: Nov 5, 2003 / Joey To Make Way For Elvis Presley Impersonato
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Yesterday, organiser of the HK Harbour Fest told reporters that the opening act on Nov 7th will be taken over by a well-known Elvis Presley impersonator, Mick Geraca. Joey was initially scheduled to perform on the 7th, but now she has only been re-arranged to be perform on the same night as Nic Tse ; on Nov 9th. Joey and Nic each are given a 15 minute time for performance only (rather from the initial 30 minutes each).

EEG spokesperson, Mani Fok replied that they have no comments on the arrangement and says they are giving their full support for this event. Although the performance time has indeed been reduced, both singers are still rehearsing in a studio and later will be going onstage for the final rehearsal. When the time comes, Joey will be the opening act while Nic is the closing act.

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