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Full Version: best male singer vote vote vote!!
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Who do you think the best male singer is out of the above
lemme think about it 1st..xD
stuck between hacken leo eason jay..=/


Leo Ku!!!
Eason! his singing is good! hacken will be the second of my choice..


hahah go leo ku!!!
lol, hacken is everyone's second. And *cough* see kaki go on wheneva leo is mentioned lol.


hahahah i noe lmao leo ku is jsut the best u hve 2 admit hahah leo ku forever!!!
lolz ^^ i say hacken Big Grin
i'd have to say...EASON!!!! Hacken and Leo is good too though, but i guess i know Eason's songs more than hacken or leo.
Obviously Eason to me Wink
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