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Full Version: best male singer vote vote vote!!
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hard to pick between eason and hacken so i flip a coin and hacken won lol

leon is the best though


hacken on best SINGER... jay chou best musical guy.. Tongue
how can you like eason?? No offense whatsoever but i seriously think he should just go back home and play with his daughter.
Dengero Wrote:how can you like eason?? No offense whatsoever but i seriously think he should just go back home and play with his daughter.
How can you not? Why should he go back to play with his daughter? I am sure he does anyway. (that was offensive anyway)


Leo Ku!!! His falsetto is so good and I like his songs more!


hahah dengero i totally agree with you dont u think he's like this crazy man on stage sumtimes u just think to your self what on earth is he doing up there ~~
Eason is a really really good singer and he deserves the popularity and support he has now.
i voted for Hacken Lee ^^ cos he's just so experienced with singing, funny and just good at singing!

moves to Entertainment Chat
I voted for Leo
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