JoeyGalaxy - Joey Yung 容祖兒 English Fan Site + Discussion Forum

Full Version: Its a sad day - JG will have to close down
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Hey fellow JGers. Thank you all for supporting JoeyGalaxy all along (especially the active members who helped keeping JG going). However, things can never live forever. JG has to be closed down. I know this is sudden, but the server is closing down because of the high costs. Which means JG would have to find "another" server. But I am tired now, I don't want to download and reupload everything and having to set up a new forum again. We've moved quite a lot of times. You can say I am lazy, which I AM. I mean, how often do you see me on JG? Haha. I've just lost the interest of keeping this forum up. And no, dont get me wrong, I still love JOEY!!!!!!!! :dance: ^^ <3 Joey

But anyway, yeah, JG is closing down haha -_-" I hope you guys won't be too sad about it, if so, feel free to come on msn to yell at me.. no bashing tho haha Rolleyes

And there are some other reasons why I decided to close JG. I just cant stand some members who keeps complaining how 15 post is too much for them and how they spam on purpose just to reach it. I knew it would happen with those new rules, but I just cant tolerate with such nonsense members like that. I know it sounds unfair to loyal members, but that isn't that main reason anyway ^^

JG will officially close on the 25th of August. I hope we could keep in contact, I'd be happy to chat with you guys after JG closes down. .. feel free to add me Big Grin

PS: If anyone who would like to take over JG, contact me anytime ^^


This part is for the people I've known since AGES AGO at JG. In case you guys might complain about the order... all the comments are ordered alphabetically Rolleyes haha

BM -

Sean, don't worry... without JG, we still get to have group chats as usual! even when we are all ro-ing haha *RE* and i am sure a lot of us will quit soon. i am nearly lvl 99 ^^ YAY! but yeah.. now u cant show off ur shopping skills anymore >.< but who cares, just show us privately haha..still the same *RE*

Des -

Ah des, my sifu *RE* (eventho you havent taught me much besides msn minesweepers haha)... but yea, thanks for helping me with the gallery section of JG.. all that hard work of urs ==" sorry, but you're my sifu.. so it doesnt matter wahaha

Jet -

Jet, did you know that u are such a funny dude!! eventho u dont talk much, but u are still so funny. hm.. i doubt u can read this anyway, ur still in hk.. and by the time u come back, jg's already closed LOL

JN -

YOU FAG! stop trying to act like ur so busy with school, cause I know you're just sitting at home doing nothing all day haha. And wat happened to ur new computer? havent seen u online ever since u got a new computer.. let me guess... u broke it already haha.. but anyway, JGers have their own ways of keeping jg going, and ur way is to spam Rolleyes thanks for being such a dodo all along. but i still cant get over how u bagged me so much at the start when u came to jg!!! haha jk

Kia -

Eventho I havent known you for so long, kia.. but you totally fitted in the group! which is an amazing thing, cause we are picky dodos haha. but anyway, thanks for keeping jg alive!!! and to ppl who wonder why their post get deleted.. you can blame it on KIA! shes the one who always report spam to mods and admin

Phil -

Ah, the time that u quit JG, is the time JG closes. talk about right timing haha. but phil, i guess i have to thank u the most for translating the news every day.. i kno its a sucky job and is such a waste of time (which i understand why u want to quit jg) but hey! u got to reread joey news 100m times a day Rolleyes and besides the news.. thanks for all the clips of joey u've shared with us!! take care, phil. goodluck in ur studies Big Grin

Rain -

seriously rain.. thinking of u makes me think of ro ahha.. u've developed a conditioned stimulus haha.. *RE* maybe ur the 2nd biggest ro addict after phil haha jk jk. anyway, lets meet up in hk end of this year!!! u have to save up! no excuses! haha <3 u rain... i've learnt a lot of tbness from you *RE* teach me more!!!

Snookie -

ahha sorry snookie... i made u finally get 15 post... and now we have to close this down. but i have to thank u HEAPS for translating all the joey lyrics!! they are soo good and helpful! and cant believe we are the last ones left from the old old jg group. thats so sad. but hey, we should keep in contact ^^

Snowy -

SNOWY!! out of all the JGers.. u are definately the person who could make me excited over nothing LOL. cause of ur gay caps!! haha. but yeah..we just like to tease u snowy, but we dont mean it *RE* u are always loved by everyone!!... except wayne who hates everyone anyway haha..and omg snowy! i heard ur not going to hk end of this year?? u gaybo!! convince ur mum la haha! it would be fun to go see joey concert with everyone! gogogo! and lastly, thanks so much for helping and motivating me with working on jg!!

Van -

Van, I know you've been wanting to ban certain people on JG so much (well not certain.. more like most ppl hahah).. but yeah.. here is ur chance. u can be admin on the last day and ban anyone u like LOL. now i dont need to hear any complaints from u ever again about banning ppl haha. i told u u will get banning power ONE day *RE*

Wayne -

wayne.... YOU'RE A FAG... enough said. LOL

well lastly, thanks everyone for supporting JG!! CONTINUE TO SUPPORT JOEY!! WE WILL LOVE HER FOREVER!! JOEY OWNS EVERYONE ahahha and take care everyone!!
I am the first to reply Angel

Take 2

Well firstly I would like to thank JG for entertaining me..I am sure you guys know what it feels like to go on JG and read news, post and dl. I don't think I would get the chance to love Joey as much without JG. But JG would be boring and dull without the JGers!! So here's goes....

I?ll write it in alphabetical order like the fag

BM -
Well well well?thank you so much for your lovely artwork on JG. I guess you were a great addition to our JG group because we?ve never had anyone so outgoing and forward?at first I THOUGHT I HAD COMPETITION!!! Haha but you?re like a mini snowy?starting all those convos! And your everlasting hate for RO is admirable!

Des -
Thank you Des..without you I probably wouldn?t get so close to Rain?because at first I didn?t talk to rain..then one day we were bitching you and me and rain became GREAT friends..thanks! Nothing excites me more than bagging you?and the way you follow your dreams..about being a pilot is very inspirational!!

Jet -
You?re the best! Because you gave me 10/10! I hope you continue to love Jn and newb so the rest of us jgers will have someone to laugh about! I hope you continue to send me joey wall papers through msn! You are so nice that it gives us Jgers a chance to bully you..but dw...we love you !

JN -
Jn?you?ve made me much more advance in the subject of ?PD? ?teaching me things that my teacher can never teach me?no one has better typos than you and I will miss your intelligent posts on JG?You are old now and you will be married and good luck on finding a husband that will put up with you! Btw I cant resist quoting your INTELLIGENT POST on JG ?Is that a HP printer? I have one too..but mine?s HP?

Kia -
I don?t have much to say to kia..she?s going to be my school mate next year..poor me! But kia is the one who gets me all pissed off at spammers by reporting it to me! And we talked a lot on msn because u made me go look at those scary Japanese anime pictures for you..but iawi! Such a nice person to talk to and I love your voice clips!

Newb -
How gay..when it comes to writing a paragraph to the person who I have the most chat logs of?I don?t know what to say? Well everyone else is thanking you for doing so much for JG?I?ll just have to follow and do the same! THANK YOU NEWB! I know we all say ?thanks? but only you know how much work it is..keeping JG up and running! You deserve a pat on the back (or a session of strangling..since you prefer that) Let?s just helped me an AWFUL lot (and I still expect help in the future) and you taught me a very important thing?and I wont tell you what that is!

Sis sis sis! You won?t even read this since you?re too busy watching you movies! But I?ve always wanted a brother..but I found a sister instead...well sort of a 2 in 1 person? Well sis! We make a DREAM TEAM ! Such evil partners we are! Remember how we had that STORY thread? Me and you vs Newb and Rain? Well you super Panda flying kicks owns!! Thanks for teaching me with all your quotes!! ?minimum effort, maximum result? ! and all those ones that I cant relate to *RE*

Phil -
I?ve told you this before. But I?ll say it again?I?ve always thought people who try hard?were losers...but until I talked to you. you told me that if you WORK hard you can do almost everything?and strangely enough?through you (without you even KNOWING) I?ve learnt many things?about myself and about others?thank you and you?ll always be my ?idol? (I still have your signature) and I know you think you suck at singing, but I think you?re talented and don?t you ?Well Vannie?? me!!! THANKS SWEETIE!

Rain -
Rainbo, harsh but true. I like you because you?re pretty much like me(not exactly a good thing *RE*) thank you for giving me good advice told me things which were honest?and your bossiness and authority sort of attitude scared me enough. And I actually listened! Isn?t it scary how we think the same thing? You also don?t care what others say...a very admirable feature! <3 my genius buddy?tough stuff!

Snowy -
Snowy, every time I see something ?gay? I seriously think of you. But that?s good because it usually makes me laugh. Thank you for starting ALL our LONG msn chats last year. I honestly looked forward to it and I think you deserve a BIG thank you. because JGers won?t be as close without your pointless-yet-fun msn chats. Good luck with your step class! (Show me a demo) I know you like girls?because you want my Joey! And I won?t call you gay as much now. Since you said I was mature!

Wayne -
Wayne I can?t forget your reaction when Newb changed the old jg banner to THAT banner?if you get what I mean(would you like me to remind you?) You are a stingy fag and that will never change and we all know you secretly like Jn so stop denying it. You have the most posts on JG?good job on spamming?*hands wayne king of spammer award and I enjoy deleting your spam.

Okay guys! Rain asked me the other day ?If it wasn?t for JG..would your life be better?? I?ve been going online more hours than I sleep! But IAWI! We all have our own lives offline but I think JGers is a great place for us to show our ?abnormal? side?it explains why Jgers are SOOOO wacko! Not only has Joey provided us with great entertainment but she also lead us to become such great friends! JG will be gone...but the damn jgers are still on msn?DAMN :bawling:
I can't believe its all coming to an end. The website that became my home, the people that became my online family.

I remember the first couple of weeks I visited JG, in 2003, almost 3 years ago, it was a pretty little site with its own special features and its great real media player files that allowed me to listen to the song while reading the lyrics. Thanks to all those translators for that, i forgot who it is, im sorry but i still love you for what u provided for us.

To the visitors of JG, thank you for taking your time to visit this site, although the forum was never what you called active, there were regularly new people signing up to view files, this proved that JG was a well known site despite its inactiveness. Thank you for acknowledging such a site. It means a great deal to the admins/mods.

Thank you to those who actually posted on the forums and took your time to get to know some of the other JGers, its great to have an active community and you have all regularly made our day by posting your silly/smart comments.

Thank you to those who regularly posted up new things for us to look at and those (dale) who took their time to start new topics to get the forum going. Although you'll probably never read this, you did make a great contribution and although it may seem that no one liked you, I think you were an ok dude.

Now for the special people in no particular order:

Newbaby: our lovely admin, the one that everyone loves, yes, everyone loves you for some particular reason,thanks for putting up with all my mine and vans complains about changing the forum, thanks for listening to the rants I had about my daily gayed problems and thanks for paying for the server even though we know you are as poor as we all are. Thanks for being the great admin that is so lenient and lazy xD. Don't work too much or I'll never get to rant to you about my boy problems hehe. <3 jooo 4evas

Snowy: after the rant to newb about my boy problems, you are always there, you're the one who only really cares to ask me about my boy problems that much. And yes, you're my best online friend too *RE*. Haha, its great to have met another JGer from another part of the world, which reminds me we must go to hk again and sing k where I/panda terrorise you with our gay hand movements. Thanks also for listening to my rants and putting up with my bitchy attitude.

Van: hahahaha, my genius friend, yes we are still geniuses even though we will not be able to show our genius on jg anymore, you are my stalking star buddy, our gay convos about how we love soompi and love that super hot gay guy was sooo much fun ! esp with bm in it. The night conversations we had about how we are so sad and bored gave me company and I remember that time i made you stay up coz I was doing an assignment and bored. haha thanks for all that

Pand4 : haha my first jg friend, I have to say, we have been through a lot, although a lot of it is stupid and dumb and we fight like every 2 minutes, you still are my good friend who lives so far away from me. Thanks for letting me hang out with you in HK so we could go stalk JOEY together, thanks for all the good/bad advice you gave me on anything and everything. Haha, thanks for giving me unforgettable memories when fighting Turtle General and suddenly you went offline *RE*

Phil: philly, my sweet joey news translator, you should know I don?t only think of you as that, as van thinks of you, I also view you as a good example to have attitude towards in life, every person has their bad and good qualities, I shall learn from that and again, thanks for providing us with so much news and vids and everything of joey. You are my hero <3 <3

Waynebo: my faggy waynebo, I think I?m the only person that ever called you waynebo for a long time, just cause it sounds like Rainbo which van calls me, you dodo, you haven?t done much but I?m glad we share the egg song in common, and yes you?re still high up on me 10/10 list. Ho ho ho
JN: you fagbo, yes you?re a fag too, <3 you for all the times you were there, and </3 you for all the times you weren?t there. You provided much laughter for us with you and your sex-obsessed twin newbs, ho ho ho. You better come back on msn so I can tease you about being a hobo ^.^

Jetty: AHHH Jetty, I love teaching you English, your so funny even though you don?t talk a whole lot, thanks so much for providing us with the wallpapers that I know you spent hours on because I was there and you kept telling me how many you had uploaded, thanks for providing us with such detailed information about how to fix all our gayed computers and don?t you worry, I will still teach you English and you can help me on all my computer stuff and games xD

Sean: my SEXY aussie sean, yes you are sexy you lil boy, and no im not a pedo, but I still <3 you all the same, haha you provided us with your sexy mando accent and your sex obsessed chats, also another sex obsessed jger. Geeze whats wrong with you all. Thanks for entertaining us all again in msn, great to have you join the whole A.Z.N scene. Haha

Des: ahh yes the disappeared JG-er, haha I remember you went to Sydney and you were so quiet, maybe I?m just loud and it wasn?t my fault the drink spilt man, I still blame it on pandas bag, xD. Haha thanks for chattin to me when I was bored and when I annoyed anyone and everyone coz I was so sad and had nothing else to do. Will see you on msn still xD

Kia: hahaha kia my lovely msn friend, you and your voice msgs are so funny, even though i havent known you for long, you will always be remembered and haha we have to keep in touch, don't you worry, im quitting RO soon

And last of all, I?d like to say, even though JG is gone forever, that we must all still be Joey fans, although there is no English forum that provides the most updated Joey news, it doesn?t mean that we can stop loving Joey, Joey likes the support we give her, and Joey has visited JG in case any of you didn?t know so keep supporting her, buy her cds and don?t download her cds. Thanks for everything guys. Will really miss you all. T.T
ahhhh....can't believe this day has come >< but i totally understand how u feel newbs. i still remember the first day i arrived at jg. it was a great find for me. not only was it english fan site, but a very complete and updated one. i never regretted coming here because i met great ppl in jg...yes even u too wayne...hahahaa

anyways....i was very moved at newbie's msg and i decided to type one myself too. i will also put it in alphabetical order to avoid arguments...hahaha


BM -

eventhough i haven't met u for a long time, u r for sure one of my closest buddy on jg. i enjoy the chats we have on msn, even though i have a problems with your choice of smilie emotion...and NO, i don't purposly ignore u in 1 on 1 chats...u just msg me at a wrong time...hahaha

Des -

my sifu ^^....i will never forget our chats about singing together. u gave me so much pointers on how to improve on my singing. i know we haven't talk much after u quit ro but keep in contact ok??...hahaha

Jet - thing to tell u...YOU R TOO QUIET....TALK MORE IN MSN CHATS OR WE WON'T INVITE U IN CHATS ANYMORE, LOL...JK. thx for your help with jg jet...u uploaded so much joey wallpaper for us, even though u weren't a mod or admin ^^

JN -

my dear si mui...i still remember the first day u came to jn...kept bagging newbs in EVERY single was entertaining...had alot of fun gb-ing and ro-ing with u. u bring us so much laughter in our live...hahaha. AND our gossips chat sessions...THEY OWN!!!

Kia -

kia!!..even though we met not long ago...u clicked with us immediatly that it's shocking...hahaha. u were so helpfu with jg...telling us spam post that u found so i can get rid of them...u r even more active than me...hahaha

Newbs -

mother of all jgers and a dear si jah of mine...hahaha. u also make me excited over nothing when i chat with u...or maybe it's just a chain reaction from my caps...LOL. newbs, u one of the most independent person i know, i really look up to u at that characteristic. even though u will so bash me for this...but i still also have to say that...JOEY IS VERY LUCKY TO HAVE SUCH A FAN LIKE U...seriously...u have like one of the best joey collection and u spent alot of time on jg so u can share joey with all of us...alot of money spent there, hahaha. WITHOUT JG...I WILL HAVE NO CLUE WHATS HAPPENING TO JOEY...seriously..i won't even know if she has a new album out and stuff...hahaha

Phil -

u provide us with so much joey new and clips...without u, we would have been outdated on joey stuff ages ago...u don't know how much it means to chinese illiterate ppl like myself...hahaha. i know it was very hard work translating those joey news...had to read 5 different version and thinking of how to translate them...but your hard isn't wasted because many ppl thank u for keeping them updated with joey news

Rain -

ahhhh...rain!!! cloest friend online ^^ u r like a little sister to me u know....hahaha. had a really good time with u at hk...without u, i would have been spending most of my time at hk with adults ONLY!!!!...HAHAHA

Van -

u always like to compete with rain over EVERYTHING...ahhaha. i know newbs won't agree about this but i find u very mature for your age...or maybe it's just the way u talk on msn...hahaha. if im really not going to hk...don't be sad...we still got plenty of time....WE R YOUNG!!! *RE*

Wayne -

"once a fag...always a fag"....LOL
u were the very first jer that i invited on my msn list...if u didn't ask ppl for one of the mp3s for joey's show up concert...i don't even know if our little JG msn group will ever exist...and it's so freaky how our chinese name r similar and how i was almost named wayne too...hahaha


even though this website will soon come to aN love for joey won't end here...JOEY FOREVER!!!!!!
awww this is so sad, I want to cry, sighs this is like the only JOey's forum that I fine, 'active' and provides english news and updates on Joey, it sure would have to take time to get used to the fact that JG isnt gonna be around for sometime XD
Noo, i just found this forum a month ago...
Oh JG! Why do you have to close...I guess all good things come to an end sometime...

Well, it?s been fun guys, it really has. I will miss this place so much!
Ever since I came to JG last year, it was such a fun and welcoming place, and it still is. I know I?ve only been I?ve made tonnes of friends here, friends that I hope to have forever (geez that sounded girly). I probably come down to see you guys after I finish school sometime ^^. Argh, so many funny memories here, but I guess we can still have our fun on msn. Just hurry up and get to level 99 so you can stop playing that accursed game ~_~. This place was the first ?asian? forum I ever went to, and it?s been great in developing my mando skillz and understanding of asian people haha! That being said, there?s a lot of people I?ve gotta thank....In no particular order;

Newbs: Ahh, Wendy. Our lovely and lazy admin haha. You know I?m joking of course, because you?ve done so much for JG. How many joeygalaxys have there been, what, 6 or so? I know you haven?t been in since the beginning, but getting this version of JG up took a lot of effort on your part, so thanks for that a lot. You always make us laugh, especially on msn with your...typos and randomness lol. Thanks for making JG the awesome place that it is. You?ve done more for than you?ll know, chatting, sending me music and stuff. Thanks for all the good times. Great and *cough* dedicated gal you are! ^__^ God, I?m sounding like we?ll never talk again haha.

Guaikia: Sarah, Sarah, Sarah, man your funny. Whether it be your strange display pictures, asking me for photoshop help or just chatting in general, you make everything fun. Hope you do come to Australia soon! Be an exchange student and you can come to my house haha. Though you haven?t been a part of our group that long, you fitted in so well, you?re family. Of course, we?ll talk on msn as usual, but thought I?d say a formal goodbye here haha. You?re an fun and energetic girl, glad to have met you here :>

Van: Van...Ven...Ban...Vong...BONG. Whichever you prefer haha. You?re a fiery one. I enjoEy talking to you so much, it just wouldn?t be the same without ya lol. When I first came here, I thought you were a guy haha, but that quickly changed when you started going spastic over andy roddick haha. <3`~``3sr0oH` yo0~` mA1 ~`~kKKkaAAWwwAai1IizZZzzz~` 4Zn~ gUrl~`s2! hahaha. Love to debate with you, especially over your Korean guy fetish ahah. Of course, nothing will change, we?ll still be talking on msn as usual. Kary Forever! Ahah...

Snowy: Snowy...I was intending to call everyone by their first name, but it doesn?t sound right for you haha...Yeah, you one of my best buddies too haha. Your caps and enthusiasm are extremely contagious lol. I have to admit I did think you were a girl at first haha, but you?re a great guy and you rock at singing! Glad I met you here. And stop getting lost in msn convos so easy lol.

Rain: Rainy-rain-rain...Get the hell off RO lol! Love you lots! You and newbs kinda feel like lesbian mums to me haha. Even though you don?t post here too often (look at your post count, and you?re a mod lol), go to know ya through msn, you?re a good spirited person and fun to talk to. And viriginic too ^__^ Ro ruins your life!

Pand4: Lol, sup bro. Bet you wont read this, but I found a great site for you, haha ^^. You always make me laugh, and not just on msn. It was so cool when you were active, and I miss your :gaydance: haha...and you stop playing RO you fag too! Oh yeah, don?t forget your toplessguys website haha T_T

Ruan: James, my largest source of joey stuff. Thanks for all the joey albums and programs you?ve burnt for me, much appreciated. If it weren?t for you, I wouldn?t even be at this place and wouldn?t have met the jg fags ^^, so thanks man.

JN: Ergh you funny fag, I cant believe you ditched us for that long lol, and you still are! You?re like never on msn.....come back lol. You were one of the member who made me feel really welcome here, so thanks to you Joey :> Miss our msn chats! Remember that time we I stayed up till 5am when we were paying out you know who lol, that was priceless. Miss you haha...stop playing RO T_T

Vicky: Haha, my graphics rival. Don?t know you as well as the other people, but your part of the family nonetheless. Miss you a lot, get on msn more! We should have a design battle one day haha...nice knowing you.

Phil: One of the less sociable members, but a dedicated guy nonetheless. Thanks a whole bunch for keeping JG updated with the news and uploads as often as you did, I know you put in a lot of effort, and we?re greatful for that. You should talk to me more on msn...anyway, yeah JG would have died a lot sooner if it weren?t for you.

Inblaq: Havent gotten to know you as much as the others. I totally forgot about you on msn lol. Those times you tried to talk to me I was doing assignments! Hope to talk to you more often ^^

Jet: Oh. Yeah. Lol. Which is. Haha, all catch phrases I have come to love and loath over my time at jg haha. You?re a great guy, glad to see your coming out of you shell a bit more nowadays. And thanks for uploading my first brush set for me Jet! Love youuuu ^__^. Have fun in HK!

Abunai: Ah, Jamie! The only other non-asian JG member! I?ve spoken to you a lot on msn, your such a great girl. Hope all goes well with your marriage! Wish you were online more, too bad about your internet situation and you getting banned from the library haha. Hope we?ll still talk!

Sasa: Haha Melissa, you make me laugh on msn. Sometimes I don?t understand you, but I love your cute emoticons lol. Always happy to do graphics requests for you, anytime ^^. And thanks for all those ayumi uploads! Im sad too...

And last but not least, to

JOEY: AH, Joey! This place wouldn?t even exist without you! Your music is so great, I?ve learnt a lot about chinese stuff from your music, and I?m not just talking about the language. You?ve been a great inspiration in my life, and I thank you so much.

Ergh I?ll shut up now before I start crying haha.

These are just a few of the many great JGers I;ve come to know over the past year, sorry if I?ve left anyone out!

Once again, I will miss joeygalaxy a lot, probably more than any of you guys lol. Without it, I wouldn?t have made such great friends which I will have forever! And don?t worry, there will be definitely be another JG, that?s for sure ^^.

PS: See most of you guys on msn! Although it won?t be quite the same T_T .For those who don?t already have my msn, my address is so add me!

Peace out, Joey Galaxy forever!

~Sean, BladeMarth.




BM - I will ALWAYS remember you as the "wasian" who I converted to joeyism Rolleyes Nice convert too, lol, with you on the converted list that makes TWO people at our school who like Joey, always good to know someone at school knows what you are on about Rolleyes

Des - ... oh wait...

Jet - Jet, Jet.. Jet.. actually I am quite sure I haven't spoken to you outside of a msn group chat o.O But yeah, the wallpapers you uploaded - brilliant.

JN - You are probably gonna get sick of this... but I remember the first days you came along, bagging newbs... wayne, snowy, newbs, van, myself were like... wtf? LOL. Apparently you are also my youngest tou dai, hmm haven't taught you anything yet though Rolleyes my oldest tou dai have been doing that for me I hope Rolleyes

Kia - Some of you may realise that I just copied newbs list but there is more substance than that Rolleyes HACK HACK slash slash, lol, guaikia/sarah whatever you want me to call you - you are a great person to talk to, it isn't often you talk to someone once and you feel like that person is part of the gang, now if you plan on writing something about JG don't get all angsty >.< lol

Newbie123 - muahaha, anyway I dunno if you remember this but I came to JG when I was in YEAR NINE, yes... almost 3 years ago Rolleyes And I came about that time when you were chopping pand4 Rolleyes or was it the other way around, muahaha. Right, I'll extend my thanks for constantly re-uploading JG, appreciated a lot. Ah well, when JG finally RIP, we all know where to bug you Rolleyes Hmm well you're not that lazy, ^^ nope not at all, when motivated or dedicated or whatnot you are a machine Rolleyes until you run out of fuel, muahaha. Oh yeah and you were my first tou dai, how? why? when? what? errr I can't remember the finer details, it was so... random...

Pand4 - Dunno if this person will read this Rolleyes but anyway, hmm yeah chopping newbs, hahaha... right we never got to VS each other in Americas Army did we? LOL, ah well, hmm next time we meet at a Joey concert I will talk more, otherwise you would think I am shy by nature o.O

Phil - When was the first time I spoke to phil, I think it was that time phil pm'ed me at OLD OLD JG (the time where jamie and anne were around Rolleyes) and asked me something along lines of do I play an instrument since he read somewhere. Right, phil is a dedicatated member... always there, joey news? sure why not, random commercials or clips you havent' even heard about? definately lol

Rain - Can't remember when was the first time I talked to you, must have randomly added you or something hehe. The memory of you that figures prominantly is Sydney 2004 Joey show up concert... Rolleyes you know what I mean. Cute Cute.

Snowy - the person who uses caps every sentence, you are getting better though Rolleyes My 2nd tou dai, what have I taught you? I CANT REMEMBER, oh wait you mentioned it o.O I didn't realise. Anyway, haha remember the time on OLD OLD JG when everybody just thought you were a chick Rolleyes hahaha... hahaha... well I for one didn't think you were a chick... you may remember me saying that too, now I will tell you why? Cause I saw you as another Joey fan, who cares about gender? style of writing? intelligence? all I saw was a fellow Joey fan

Van - Rolleyes don't take that rolleyes the wrong way, it symbolizes everything we have been through, in the end all you can do is Rolleyes and say, ha. Well yeah, we haven't always agreed, the rare chances we do someone else is usually the victim of opinions, ha, I can tell you that our discussions have always been interesting, you are an interesting person.

Wayne - Unlike the other JGers I havent' talked to wayne much outside of big jg msn chats or during the time i played ro, so... all I can say is Joey rocks, and a fan of joey is my friend, Wayne you are my friend lol.


and... a mention to other Jg members who have made an impression, jamie, anne, dena, dale <<< LOL tc member Rolleyes

And in teh end: JG forevver, JG forrrever, JG forrever and more!!


oh my...

this feels so sudden... and... yeah...

JG has been a part of my life for a long time... how long? can someone remind me? i joined either last year or the year before... when was it? it was during the phimviet time... this is sorta like the feeling i had when phimviet closed down, except this is more umm... don't know how to say it.

but however long it really was, it did feel like a long time, like having friends in a parallel universe somewhere.

wen, thanks for taking the time to do so much for us.

phil, thanks for all the joey news and pics and uploading all the media.

van, i don't know... umm... whatever... but it's great that i have had the opportunity to know you

sean - you amaze me... like being non-asian and all, but being so involved in chinese culture at the same time. i haven't talked to you much, but it's been fun.

jn - ahhaa!!! you make me laugh so much, luv ya

hmm.. so yeah, these are the people i've actually talked to on msn and know, even if not too well.

Smile i remember those times when we played gunbound together, the JG games... jn's stupid shots, those funny insults.

and wayne too! all i remember about him is teasing him about nail polish and gayness or something, and playing gb with him.

so... yeah... i think that about sums it up, unless theres someone i've forgotten..

yeah dale, he was making all these threads on JG, hoping to liven it up... but people on JG like taking it slow, so he found it more comfortable on TC

more memories...
my crazy proposal of JG merging with TC, after it was suggested by a TC mod lol

does anyone still play ragnarok here?
i started a few weeks ago, just playing with friends from school.
what server are you guys on?
i play avalon...

*sigh* this is so sad...

but i guess if newbs doesn't want to go to the trouble of reuploading and everything, we could just go on the cinple joey forum...
or just quickly register one of the free forums?

(corn) ahhaha
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